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How to Use Ancient Oils to Make Toxin Free Personal Care Products

One of the fastest growing segments in the health and wellness industry is essential oils. These volatile oils in plants are widely known for the fragrance that they impart to some of our favorite flowers. But what you may not know is that those same compounds also have powerful healing properties. And because essential oils […]

3 Kitchen Waste Hacks That Can Boost Your Health

Onion skins. Carrot tops. Potato peels. In most homes, these things get thrown in the trash or ground up by the garbage disposal. In the homes of gardeners, they might get pitched into the compost bin where they will decompose into the soil. But for the select few who know the secret…kitchen “waste products” are […]

5 Evidence Based Health Benefits of Ceylon Cinnamon (and how to eat more)

There is a “lazy susan” on my kitchen counter that is loaded with herbs and spices. They’re all in jars of varying shapes and sizes, and I use them often enough to be able to recognize each one without looking at the label. The largest container of them all is a one pound jar of […]

Does Your Coffee Contain This Highly Toxic Heavy Metal?

Are you suffering from chronic health issues despite doing everything you can imagine to keep yourself healthy? You follow a nutritious, organic, whole food diet, exercise regularly, practice stress-relief techniques, take appropriate supplements and so on. Yet symptoms continue, even with your very best efforts. Perhaps you endure migraines, you feel fatigued even after a […]

Food and Mood: Nutrition for Anxiety and Depression

The study of food and mood is one of the most exciting frontiers in medicine. In the past, psychological disorders like depression and anxiety have understood to be the result of genetics, adverse childhood experiences, chemical imbalances in the brain, cognitive distortions, poor stress management skills, and other diseases or medical problems.

Spice(s) Of Life

We associate the word “spice” with flavor, stimulation, and a zest for living. People talk about spicing up their relationships, their writing, and of course, their meals. It is natural to think of spices as enhancements that enrich our lives.

Magnesium: Nature’s Chill Pill

Magnesium (Mg) is one of the most versatile, abundant, and essential minerals in your body. It’s a critical factor in more than 600 biochemical reactions that power every cell, every organ, and every body system. Magnesium is involved in reactions that generate cellular energy, form and break down protein, manufacture and metabolize hormones, control muscle […]

Parkinson’s Disease Stinks (Literally…)

To say Parkinson’s disease (PD) stinks would be an understatement. The symptoms of this increasingly common condition include debilitating tremors, severe muscle stiffness, impaired speech, poor balance, cognitive difficulties, sleep disturbances, depression, postural problems and a host of other progressive symptoms that can rob a person of their independence.

Joints on Fire: Inflammation 101

If you’ve been keeping up with health news at all in the past few years, you’ve heard the word “inflammation” a lot. And for good reason: inflammation is at the root of a wide range of chronic diseases. Having a basic understanding of what inflammation actually is can go a long way in helping you […]

Top 13 Foods You Should Eat Daily And Why

What foods should you be eating every day to feel good, have energy and live healthily? We’ve gathered a go-to list from black beans and spinach to blueberries and walnuts. Eaten daily, these foods will keep your energy high and your health balanced. Scroll down to find the reasons why you should start eating these […]

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