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How Saturated Fat is Gumming Up Your Cellular Membranes

Remember the microscopes you used in biology class? Well, they’ve gotten a lot more powerful since then, and some exciting new microscopy research just breathed new life into the familiar (and overused) expression, “you are what you eat.” Advanced microscopic techniques have been used to examine the individual molecules that form the outer membrane of […]

Fish Oil Helps Prevent Vision Problems

Benjamin Franklin was actually talking about fire safety when he uttered the famous lines, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” but his wisdom applies to health in the biggest possible way. Nature is suffused with preventive remedies, but few can match the protective punch of fish oil, a supplement that has […]

Say Cheese

I think the arguments against including cheese in your diet have a lot of holes in them (if you’ll forgive a rather cheesy pun). Dr. Neal Barnard just released a book entitled, The Cheese Trap: How Breaking a Surprising Addiction Will Help You Lose Weight, Gain Energy, and Get Healthy. This book points a finger […]

The New Blood Pressure Guidelines And What They Mean For You

Here’s some medical news that I hope doesn’t raise your blood pressure through the roof. The American Heart Association has just lowered the threshold for for the diagnosis of hypertension. The AHA changed the cutoff for normal blood pressure from 140/90 to 130/80, and in that one fell swoop, 46 percent of Americans now meet […]

Noticing Nature

I’d like you take a moment to think about an experience you’ve had, one which has fostered feelings of wonder and joy. For me, watching a bee colony at work, observing the ebb and flow of ocean waves, or enjoying the beauty of a tree swaying in the breeze can fill me with a sense […]

Do You Trust Your Doctor to Give You Nutritional Advice?

Mainstream doctors are on the job site… but they do not have the right tools in the toolbox to help them to get the job done. This is a difficult dilemma… let me explain. Patients with chronic illnesses come to doctors as entrusted professionals who have dedicated their lives to the care of the sick. […]

The Health Benefits of Living Closer to Nature

The brain is a thicket of neurons (biologists estimate there are 100 billion nerve cells in the human cortex). One of the most amazing findings regarding this awe-inspiring organ is the way your brain rewires itself on a daily basis in response to your experiences and your environment. Neuroscientists refer to this ability as “plasticity,” […]

How To Use A Neti Pot

Last week, a patient I had not seen in over 10 years showed up in my office for an appointment. His wife was with him for support (he had a new and very serious illness) and she sat quietly throughout his appointment. I thought she looked familiar… and at the end of the visit I […]

6 Reasons To Eat Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables can sound like a mouthful. The term Brassicaceae (which encompasses the family of cruciferous vegetables) can be a lot to swallow too. But I can promise you that the superfoods that fall into this plant group are ones that you’ll want to add to your diet. That’s because these nutrient-rich veggies are among […]

Fasting — A Path To Better Health?

Sometimes, less is more. It’s an adage that applies in many domains within our lives…and in the modern world, it most certainly applies to food. A large volume of research demonstrates that consuming fewer calories leads to better health.

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