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Should Women Sit More Like Men?

The musical, My Fair Lady, includes a charming number called “Why Can’t a Woman Be More Like a Man.” The song is a hilarious parody of the character Henry Higgins, the chauvinistic professor who clearly has a lot to learn about the ladies.

Super Sprouts For Better Health

We’re going to learn a new word today. “Nutrigenomics” is a term I believe you are going to be hearing a lot more about in the next few years. Nutrigenomics refers to the science of how nutritious food can “turn on” good genes and “turn off” bad genes.

Enticing Veggie Labels

Between my job as a physician and my life as a father, I think it’s fair to say that I’ve spent the better part of my adult life trying to convince people (my patients and my kids) to eat more fruits and vegetables. The benefits of fresh, whole, plant-based foods on human health has never […]

A Lesson from the P-Patch

I’m lucky to have my garden in my own backyard…it certainly makes running outside to grab a few leaves of lettuce a whole lot easier than the days when my garden was in a community garden (we called it a “p-patch”) about a mile away. But I loved that p-patch, and grew plenty of food […]

Canine Cure

I just wrote myself and my family a new prescription for decreasing stress, boosting immune function, and improving my overall wellness. Her name is Raya… and she’s a 10-week old Vizsla puppy.

Being Sensible About Salt

Salt is essential to life, but consuming too much–as most people do–is decidedly unhealthy. In my practice, I see a parade of patients with hypertension (high blood pressure) and all of the cardiovascular risks that go with it. Excessive sodium consumption clearly pays a role in these conditions…and restricting salt intake is often a part […]

The Myth of Complete Protein

For generations, we’ve been fed the idea that if we don’t eat meat, we won’t get enough protein in our diets. The mainstream media has also convinced us that protein is a complicated issue for vegetarians and vegans, and that it’s essential to combine plant foods that complement each other in order to create “complete […]

Death Row

I apologize up front for the dark and morbid subject of this article… but I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to share my thoughts on a study about nutrition on death row. I admit, I never thought much about it before: What do inmates on death row choose as their last meal? And more […]

One Bad Meal

Gluttony. It’s the first of the seven deadly sins… but we’ve all done it, and some of us do it every day. We tell ourselves that it’s a special occasion. We reward ourselves with a treat. We tell ourselves that it’s just one meal, so it can’t do too much harm right? It’s just a […]

My Breakfast This Morning

I’m at my computer this morning, after a 45 minute walk and a nice hot breakfast… which has become the subject of this very article. Why write about my breakfast? Well, because it is both delicious and healthy, easy to make, and full of ingredients that each deserve a paragraph of their own. Here’s what […]

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