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Making Peace with Hunger

Open the fridge > Consider the options > Close the fridge > Open the pantry > Survey the snacks > Close the pantry > Open the fridge. In my house we call it “food seeking behavior,” and it’s a behavior pattern that all of us can relate to. When we feel hungry, instinct kicks in […]

65 Roses

Most everyone over 40 can attest… aging gracefully just ain’t that easy. We long to have the energy and vitality that comes with youth, and we struggle to accept that it doesn’t last forever. As we age, our bodies remember the traumas, the stresses, the infections, and the strains and sprains. We call it “wear […]

Mismatch Diseases

This article is not for everyone… before you read it, take this simple two question survey to make sure it’s right for you: 1) Do you like ice cream? 2) Do you like sex? If you answered yes to both questions… I suggest you keep reading. I promise, we’ll circle back to sex and ice […]

The Prescription Your Doctor Forgot to Write

When you go to the doctor… you leave with a prescription. These days, that’s just the way it goes. With 5 billion of them written every year in the US, I think it’s fair to say that prescriptions are actually the primary currency of doctor’s appointments. They are also the ticket to a massive and […]

Tennis, Anyone?

Medical studies aren’t usually the kind of thing that stir up fond family memories… but a recent paper published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine did just that for us. Please allow me to explain. Our family recently lost our beloved Nana and Gramp, both of them in their mid-90s. Not only were they […]

Old Friends

Compared to the environment of our ancient ancestors, the world we live in today is squeaky clean when it comes to germs. We have soap, most of us have regular hygiene practices, we use disinfectants, and take antibiotics for infections. All of this adds up to remarkable progress in terms of public health; and we […]

Toxic Planes: Air Travelers Beware

If you’ve ever flown in an airplane, you’re familiar with that musty, stale smell that encircles you as soon as you board. Maybe you’ve also noticed that it can be difficult to breathe normally on a plane: that recirculated air just doesn’t inspire you to take a full, deep breath. This effect is not in […]

Toxins in Food Packaging

I’m perfectly happy to be a broken record when it comes to talking to patients about the importance of healthy eating, and a diet consisting of whole, nutritious foods. Food is medicine and eating well is essential to living well. Nobody is surprised to hear that I encourage my patients (and anyone else who will […]

Sharing Good News

In my office, and in my articles, I talk a lot about medicine that does not come in the form of pills. A healthy diet, an active lifestyle, and getting plenty of sunshine are just three of the many examples of the most common (and effective) natural medicine prescriptions. Another important medicine (no pills involved) […]

It Only Takes 5 Minutes…

As a naturopathic physician, one of the things I always stress to my patients is the importance of a healthy, clean, whole food diet. Most people know that a meal of vegetables and legumes is a healthier choice than a burger, fries, and a soda. But when hunger strikes… the temptation of a quick, easy, […]

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