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How Turmeric Works… And How To Make It Work Better

Researchers have recently discovered a new way to reduce inflammation, and it is a discovery that will likely change the way that many inflammatory conditions are treated. The research focuses on a class of molecules known as JAK proteins. JAK stands for Janus kinase proteins, or “Just another kinase,” as they were originally called before […]

Reduce Inflammation With Your Thoughts (Seriously)

Before you decide that I’ve completely gone off the deep end… let me explain why the headline “reduce inflammation with your thoughts” is not as far fetched as it seems at first glance. It was not long ago when mind-body medicine was a fringe concept without a strong scientific foundation. However, in the last 20 […]

What’s The Opposite Of A Vicious Cycle???

We’ve all experienced a “vicious cycle,” that downward spiral where cycles of cause and effect compound each other and lead to a progressive worsening of a situation. Vicious cycles can happen in all areas of life, but one example that comes up often in my office is the cycle of injury and inactivity. An injury […]

New Low Back Pain Treatment

In the midst of an episode of severe low back pain, most patients are not thinking about what’s for dinner…. but new research suggests that they probably should. Low back pain is one of the most common complaints in orthopedics, and it is a massive drain on the global economy. Anyone who has experienced it […]

“Sweet” Dreams

Which came first… the insomnia or the soda? It’s kind of like the age-old “chicken or egg” question. Insomnia and soda are often looped into a vicious circle, in an ever-worsening negative feedback loop. New research has shed some light on just how closely insomnia and caffeinated, sugary drink consumption are correlated. A new study […]

Breakthrough Discovery For Inflammation

Have you tried a gluten-free diet? If so, you are certainly “on trend.” Millions of people are actively avoiding products which contain gluten in the hopes of improving their health. The food industry has caught on, and there are now gluten free products on grocery store shelves, and many restaurants work hard to accommodate this […]

Are You Sitting Down?

You sit too much. I do too. The truth is that virtually all of us sit far more each day than we should… certainly more than our ancestors ever did. Between the commute, the office chair, and the couch or the recliner, all of that sitting adds up. This may not seem like a big […]

Less Sleep => More Food

It’s time for all of us to change the way we think about what “medicine” is. For so many people, the word medicine conjures up images of orange bottles with white caps that you pick up and refill at the pharmacy. While it is certainly true that the pills inside those bottles are indeed medicines… […]

A Morning Routine for All-Day Positive Energy

We’ve all had mornings when we wake up on the “wrong side of the bed.” On these mornings, everything seems off, and unless you do something to shake off the feeling, the whole day can be a bust. A bad morning can really give your entire day a negative slant, and that’s just not the […]

Must-Watch Underwater Video From a Salmon Farm

Salmon lovers… I have some troubling news. Wild salmon populations are in serious peril, and if the decline persists at current rates, marine biologists have predicted that the world could run out of wild salmon in 30 years! This devastating process is the result of a combination of environmental factors including risks related to large-scale […]

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