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A Gut-Wrenching Story

If you frequently take anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen for headaches and joint or muscle pain, or if you’re on a prescription anti-inflammatory medication for any type of chronic condition or pain management plan… this article is for you. These drugs can help to relieve inflammatory pain, but they may also lead to a wide […]

Moldy Lettuce and Toxic Turmeric

Imagine you’re in the produce section of the grocery store shopping for lettuce. You notice that the romaine looks wilted and moldy, and it’s turning brown. But just then, the produce manager comes over with a box of fresh, green, and crunchy romaine. The produce manager then says that you can get the old lettuce […]

Do You Commute More than 20 min/Day?

I am grateful every day that my lifestyle requires very little commuting. I live about five minutes from my office, and I put less than 10,000 miles on my car every year. In sharp contrast to my own experience, many of my patients tell me stories about their long commutes and how they feel like […]

Get Paid To Exercise

I was at a meeting recently and found myself in one of those awkward “ice breaker” moments where I was asked to share something about myself with the group that most people don’t know about me. I had a few ideas, but decided to share that I spent much of my childhood and teenage years […]

A Hilarious Medical Treatment

A new study performed at Georgia State University demonstrates something we probably already knew: laughter is good for you! We know it’s fun to laugh, we know it feels good… but did you know that laughter can also be beneficial to your physical health? That’s right: laughter is medicine. The study in question focused on […]

Toxic Honey?

Would you like to some herbicide with your tea? Or how about spreading some lawn chemicals on your toast? Unfortunately, that may be exactly what is happening. Glyphosate, the main ingredient in Roundup, has found its way into the American honey supply. It is becoming more and more difficult to find honey that is not […]

Constipation: A Regular Occurrence

Part of my job in the office involves talking to my patients about subjects that don’t usually come up at a cocktail party. One of these conversations is about poop. It’s a topic that comes up all the time, and one of the most common issues that concerns my patients frequently is constipation. It’s remarkable […]

A Pain in the Butt (Literally)

When patients come into my office and say that their hips hurt… they’re usually wrong. That may sound odd, but when I ask people to point where their “hip” hurts, they often put their hand on their low back or at the top of their rear end. While that area may indeed be called the […]

Tennis Elbow

Most of the patients that I diagnose with tennis elbow have not picked up a racket in years. Although it is a fairly common complaint among people who do play tennis, tennis elbow is surprisingly common in those who don’t. In people who play racket sports, this painful condition develops from chronic repetitive strain in […]

Meat Tenderizer: A Secret Weapon in the Spice Rack

Every day at my office, I see patients who tell me that their muscles are sore, tight, or stiff. Musculoskeletal pain is one of the most common complaints in my office and in virtually every medical office, as well. These muscular problems can arise in virtually anyone, but they are certainly more common in people […]

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